2020-21 Colloquium on Internment & Resistance
The 2020-21 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) colloquium, Internment & Resistance: Confronting Mass Detention and Dehumanization, consists of seven events that focus on global constructions of concentration camp systems and the challenges that they present. Engaging comparative and multi-disciplinary perspectives, these events examine the processes, mechanisms, forms, and functions of mass detention without trial. They also highlight acts of personal, spiritual, psychological, and social resistance to mass detention. Organized in dialogue with contemporary issues, the series is aligned with the current KHC exhibit, The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide, and QCC’s 2020-21 official common read text, George Takei’s They Called Us Enemy, a graphic memoir about the internment of Japanese-Americans in the United States during WWII.
Click here for a list of events.
The Center welcomes the 2020-21 KHC Faculty Fellows who each led past colloquia and are joining together to create a provocative series of timely and thought provoking programming.